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Celebrating 10 years of KNMA : are you a museum-buff just yet?
In the past 10 years, we have had an incredible time with you all on our art- journey. Thank you for joining us on countless exhibitions and workshops - to celebrate, we have a little Crossword for you. Are you ready for a flashback ?
Guidelines :
- This crossword is fillable online!
- Read the clues, and follow the underlined-links to dig out the answers.
- The key on the top left corner reveals the answers - but really, that’s no fun! Try using it only when you have finished.
You can challenge your friends by sharing this Crossword or simply sharing your favourite clue on social media (don’t forget to tag us @knmaindia).
1 Celebrating five artists of Bengal this exhibition displayed the works of one of India’s earliest women sculptors. Titled ‘Nagardola’ (meaning Ferris Wheel) this sculpture is made of ___________?
3. In this installation you see 192 sewing machines producing ________ (plural). A witty comment on international politics by NS Harsha. Take a look at our ‘10 year exhibit’ highlight on Instagram
5. This animal, a favourite from our Mowgli days, recaptures our imagination covered in bindis - an enchanting piece by one of India’s most talented female contemporary artists. Find it in our collection
7. ‘Yatra - The Rooted Nomad’ is how the exhibition 'Stretched Terrains' introduced this artist featuring some of his rural landscapes (early works)
9. the title of KNMA’s inaugural exhibition; curated by Roobina Karode. Take a look at our past exhibitions
10. In this painting by Bhupen Khakhar you can spot people gathered at a religious meet. Did you know, Khakhar would often accompany his friend Vallavbhai to such gatherings. Find his works in our collection
11. At the Venice Biennale, this masterpiece by MF Husain celebrated the connection between ‘India’ & it’s people
1 Almost a tradition to play this game for money during Diwali. But in this painting by __________ the women in blue are probably just enjoying a summer afternoon! Find the painting in our collection!
2 At the 58th Venice Biennale, the Kiran Nadar Museum showcased G.R Iranna’s wall installation that depicted a sea of protestors through a cluster of __________ (an ancient Indian footwear, often used to denote divine figures) (plural). Take a look at #IndiaInVenice !
4 You’ve heard the phrase “I came, I saw, I conquered” - but if artist L.N Tallur had to say it, what would it words translate to? Perhaps the Mangalore terracotta roof tiles from the Constructs | Constructions exhibition can provide a clue?
6 One of the main materials that Mrinalini Mukherjee worked with. Her sculptures, made of this material, are part of KNMA’s 10 year celebration. Can you find the sculpture titled ‘Kamal’ ?
8 This legendary, versatile artist’s terracotta frieze, ‘________ lessons’ is accompanied by a poem written by him : an excerpt:
You think you are a person
With a mint-marked face and body
A singular gait and speech
A fool-proof fingerprint
A prefigured DNA.
So dress up and smile for a snapshot
For others to see and say
This is surely so-and-so. An exhibition organised as a tribute to him, was called by the same name.